Tag Archive for: business coach

Move your a$$

It’s time for the LAST TOOL inside #30daystorise.

You have 7 days until Game-Changer closes. Make sure you invest in yourself, stretch, grow, learn and become a better version of you. Don’t try to do it alone.

Let’s make it happen.

Today, we’re talking about action curing fear.

Tool #10: Move with SPEED

Most people think too much and do too little.

They wait for approval.They wait for the right time.They wait for a sign from the universe, or planetary alignment. (Yes, I’ve heard both of those from my clients.)

And they hope someone else will tell magically show up to them they are worthy of what they want. That it’s okay to go after it.

None of which ever happens.

Here’s the truth: If you want it, you need to move NOW.

Action cures fear every damn time.

Trust me. I was agoraphobic and had panic disorder. Sitting around thinking about my fear never did a thing for me. But when I got up and took action anyway, the fear dissipated.

Here’s the point: You are not going to get anywhere by reading emails, buying books, listening to podcasts or scrolling through social media.

Today is the last day of #30daystorise.

What did you learn this month that you can apply every day to get you where you want to be?

If you don’t choose to take action, you will be in the same place next year, contemplating what you could have done or should have done, in order to reach your goals.

That shit burns.

Planning is nice. Planning is important. But what’s far more important is choosing to DO SOMETHING.

How to know if you have this tool:

  • Every woman I’ve ever worked with already knew what she had to do before I worked with her. She just didn’t do it because she was afraid. Soooooooo, what do you know you need to do today to get you better results?
  • What have you been putting off?
  • What have you been thinking about doing, but have yet to act on?

How to implement this tool:

  • Pick something and go do it. Today.
  • After you do that, notice how that one step can create momentum. You feel good. You’re open to what’s next.
  • You can choose that feeling every day. Get up and do something.

If you’ve been thinking about joining Game-Changer, this is the time.

Game-Changer is for women who are done with their bullshit and more than ready to build a rock-solid success mindset.

No more waiting. Doors close in less than a week and only two seats remain. Apply here.

– Becky

Lean into risk

I’m back with the ninth tool inside #30daystorise – only ONE left.

You want raving fans people who believe in your work? It starts with you. These are the tools to get your mind right, and to continuously grow, scale and serve millions (and make millions too).

Today, we’re talking about risks.