Tag Archive for: business coach

Be someone worth following

When it comes to entrepreneurship, everyone talks about marketing, sales, products, team, content…

But I don’t see a lot of talk about self-mastery — being a better human in order to lead millions and make millions.

After all, if you want to lead, you have to BE someone worth following.

Leadership, to me, means taking total ownership of your experience of the world, starting with yourself.

Your business comes from YOU.

So focusing so much on strategies and systems, which are largely outside of our control, is a huge waste of time.

The most valuable asset in your business is YOU.

Entrepreneurs are incredible creatures. We give so much of ourselves to our work that we often neglect our own needs. And then the rest of our lives – relationships, health, money – feels out of control, which paradoxically trickles down to business.

If you want off the hamster wheel, I’ve got something for you.

This is about self-awareness, self-control and emotional intelligence.

The stronger your skills in these areas, the faster you create business results and personal transformation.

My new program, GAME-CHANGER, shows you how to do this from the ground up. I breakdown exactly what it takes to craft and then embody a bulletproof success mindset. We talk ambition, staking a claim, demanding what you deserve, boundaries, and divorcing yourself from others’ opinions, and much more.

I literally give you the blueprint for how to BE a true leader: The woman with the highest standards and best practices, and who gets results on her terms.

Because once you master yourself, and commit to showing up as you 100% of the time, you can’t lose.

As a leader, you must learn how to harness your energy, overcome habits and beliefs of the past (that don’t serve your new responsibilities), and dedicate your life to being as powerful as possible — to shine so brightly that your people see, feel and follow you into the future.

Mastery is the practice of evolving yourself into a new, more powerful leader.

That’s what Game-Changer is all about. It’s time to show up for your business as your most powerful, energized, explosive self.

Only a couple seats remain. This is for serious women entrepreneurs only and there is an application.

– Becky

5 habits that made me successful

I started my business Christmas Eve 2008.

My husband told me to cut the shit and get a job. My family thought I was nuts.

I had no idea what I was doing. Zero knowledge of sales, social media, copywriting, graphics, and on and on.

But I did have a dream. I KNEW where I was going.

Eleven years later, I have an empire. Impacting millions of women and earning millions of dollars.

I used to dream about this, while the people around me made fun of me.

I share this to show you what is possible when you choose to believe.

What are your goals and dreams?

If you want it, you can have it. But you’re going to work for it.

The thing I unknowingly had in my corner from the start was a series of habits. These are patterns of behavior I started years earlier – for other reasons – that turned out to be my greatest assets in business-building.

If you’re intent on success, use them.

1. I spend an inordinate amount of time imagining BEING in the reality with my goals. I pretend they are here now, and see myself there, with those things and achievements. The big secret to why this helps me at all? FEELING what it would feel like to have those things.

Then I write it down, in detail, and ask myself questions like…

That version of me, with all those results: How does she walk and talk? Dress? Behave? What does she focus on? What does she do every day? What does she tolerate and not tolerate? How does she show up?

After that, all I need to do is be that woman now.

Most people don’t even have their goals defined, never mind changing their behaviors to match. I started doing this as a reporter when I was after a promotion. I became the woman I needed to be to have that job. I have used it every day since.

If you skip this, your dreams will take twice as long to arrive – if they ever do.

2. I start each day with a plan. Most people do the same shit every day, and wonder why they don’t get where they want to be. If you choose to look at your goals daily, you know right away where you can move toward them. You know what needs to be done to make real progress. Not busywork and hustle. But real, intelligent steps.

3. I have a morning routine. I have the first several hours of each day scripted. Yes, the same mindset exercises, visualization, reviewing of finances and long-game goals. Mandatory reading and much more. All of it reminds me who I am becoming and what I am going for. (Notice I do not go directly to email or client calls. I spend time on ME and my goals first.)

4. I check myself. That means I look at what went I’ve done well, what I haven’t – and why. And then I figure out what I need to do in order to improve, and I do it. Not many people are honest about where they, themselves, screwed up. Which also means they don’t take responsibility for improving. They end up doing the same things, repeating the same tasks, and wondering why their results aren’t improving.

5. I never, ever let my emotions lead. I feel like shit sometimes. Angry, frustrated, sad, overwhelmed, anxious as fuck. But whatever happens, I always pay attention to the emotion, get curious about why it’s coming up and dissect it. Pulling them apart actually diffuses them, which allows me to NOT react, say something I don’t mean, do something that doesn’t help, etc.

Understanding is power. Most people let a bad five minutes turn into a bad day, or week. Leaders don’t have time for that. Every minute you allow your emotions to rule is a moment you’re not walking your talk, making waves and claiming the life you say you want.

Habits are everything. If you want something new, you need to be someone who can handle it.

Thought-leaders and influencers can create certainty and confidence and show up in a big way. It’s my mission to help you do that. Because I know what it’s like to have something to say, gifts to share, and to be shy about it.

That empire you dream about isn’t going to build itself. It’s your job to do the work – beginning with believing in yourself and executing every day.

You know where to find me when you need me.
