
Can we please just cut the shit?

How about we coach people to get results NOW?

Not next week, 90 days out, next year… But inside 30 minutes.

I’m known in these parts for knifing through blocks and limits, carving out new trajectories, and seeing my clients through to the finish line FAST.

Most of my calls end early, with the client saying something like:

“I don’t know what else to ask. You covered it all.”


“I know we still have time left, but I’m full up. I need to go take action.”

Want to know how I get massive results so quickly?

You’re in the right place.

I’m going to show you, step-by-step, exactly how I do it. It’s a repeatable system that always works – when the client does the work.

Frankly, there’s NO reason any of you can’t learn it, implement it and get your clients rapid results right now.

And results? Are what people pay you for.

I’ve invested more than a half-million dollars in my coaching “education,” working with the best of best. And I have no intention of stopping.

Because my willingness to invest in me is exactly what got me here — on target for 8 figures, helping amazing clients get rapid results. I’ve studied everything from success strategies to inner child work, from ninja sales and marketing training to strategic intervention, and a hell of a lot more. (I also rock at sales copy.)

And now, I’ve distilled it down to it’s essence for you.

Inside my certification program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify and bust blocks in minutes
  • Pull the brilliance out of the client (rather than tell them what to do)
  • Show them exactly what they’re made of (a hell of a lot more than they’ve been led to believe)
  • Go deep and lock in new ways of being (all action begins with thoughts and feelings)
  • Get there FAST
  • Make sure YOU are living at your best and highest in order to serve at your best

You also are automatically in MORE (my membership site). And you have unlimited Voxer and email access to me.

This is a weekly coaching program for a very small, SELECT group of women who I will personally lead and mentor.

PLUS once you complete the training, you will be certified as a coach with Rebecca T. Dickson Inc. and have the opportunity to become part of our team.

If you’re ready for next level coaching skills and want an intense immersion with the best, this is for you.

We begin November 2, 2017 and run for 6 intense weeks.

To apply, just email me at becky(at)rebeccatdickson(dot)com or message me on Facebook and tell me why you and why now. Two simple questions.

P.S. Don’t wait. Last session, we sold out in 3 days.