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Important Terms and Conditions
Please note that the Project Prosperity Sessions will be recorded for future use.
Refund Policy
All sales are final. We do not accept returns on products and our programs, including coaching, are non-refundable.
By purchasing this program you agree to the above terms and we invite you to view our full terms and conditions by clicking here.
General Disclaimer
Amanda Foy is neither a qualified psychologist, nor a qualified counsellor, and offers her insights and advice for guidance only. Her knowledge of the human condition is based on intuition and life experience. The information that is shared on this website is for the purposes of providing a community resource.
The testimonies that have been provided are genuine and are intended to represent an accurate example of results for a large cross-section of clients. It is, however, not guaranteed that everyone who accesses her courses, masterminds or emotional strength sessions will experience these results; as every individual’s results are also determined by his or her personal motivation and desire to heal.
Healing Disclaimer
All content during Project Prosperity is for informational purposes only and is for your own personal use and guidance. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or act as a substitute for professional medical advice. It does not replace the need for services by medical professionals, and as such, any changes to your current treatment should be discussed with your GP. Additionally, any questions concerning medical issues should also be directed towards your doctor.
If you choose to rely solely on the information and resources provided herein, please be advised that recovery from abuse and painful inner programs may be painful, difficult and confusing. Be advised that if undertaking this course of action, Amanda Foy cannot be held liable for any possible ramifications of undergoing her programs. The programs are provided with a foundation in Reiki which cannot hurt harm or hinder any participant, and by signing up to any of Amanda’s offerings, you are agreeing that you are emotionally fit and ready to participate in changing your own circumstances.