Here’s your chance to grab the Money Mindset Mastermind for more than half off.
This is a course for anyone who’s ever thought, “I can’t charge that much,” or “No one will ever pay that,” or “What if they don’t think I’m worth it?” or “Who the fuck can actually charge $500 an hour?” (Hint: Your future self, soon.)
Money messes with people — fact.
People don’t know how to ask for money in a way that makes them feel good about it. They don’t know how to take money in a way that makes them feel confident about it. And they certainly don’t know how to experience money in a way that feels natural, powerful and WELL DESERVED. Which, as you can imagine, leads to a lot of problems when you’re a business owner and your #1 job? Is to get money.
Enter: This course.
The Money Mindset Mastermind is designed to change all of that — and then some.
If you’re someone who’s shy about charging money. If you’re someone who’s reluctant to raise your rates. If you’re questioning your self-worth and the value you bring to the table. If you have no idea where to even begin with your pricing.
Then this is for you. (And FYI, the answer to “where do I begin with my pricing?” is right here.)
Because how you think about money is just as important as how you ask for it.
And how you think about money? Might just be the one thing your bank account has been missing.
This course includes five Money Mindset Mastermind Strategy Sessions, pre-recorded, and the proprietary Money Mindset Mastermind workbooks, 30 pages of money guidance, tough love and, most importantly, money-making know-how that will serve you not just now, but forever. (We never stop needing to make money, after all.)
This is only available as an upgrade for the Mindset Workshop and will expire within 24 hours.
Want in?
One time fee: $296
The Money Mindset Mastermind is normally sold for $997
Only available for 24 hours.
Want the Mindset Workshop without the upgrade? Click below.
One time fee: $99
No, thanks. I only want the Workshop, no upgrade.
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