The Client Faucet is 28 SOLID days of attracting perfect clients for your perfect offer. From here on, everything gets EASY.
DAY 1:
Here we go, and we’re DIVING right in. You’re not here to just think about shit anymore. Let’s do it.
Question 1 —> Who are your best prospects?
This is the foundation of your business, and the question most people completely avoid.
If you want to make money and help people, you need to know the answer. And you better be super specific about it.
We discover who your BEST prospects are by identifying:
– the work you love…
– that makes you the most money AND…
– gets clients the best results, the fastest.
What ultimately determines whether or not you get a client is **whether or not your prospect feels 100% certain you can get them the results.** Read that again.
You need to convey that confidence. It’s what sells without effort. What draws people to you. What allows them to FEEL you have what they need.
So ask yourself the following:
– What segment of my market am I supremely confident I can get results for?
Every client has a Point A. You take them to Point B.
When you think about Point A – where your clients are – what do they have in common? WHO are they? Write it down.
– What specific part of my expertise am I confident sharing?
When you know WHO, you can identify WHAT they need most from you. The thing you do the easiest and makes you the most money – while getting them the BEST RESULTS.
Consider these questions from the standpoint of… “I will only get paid by these clients AFTER I generate the awesome results they want.”
There should be at least ONE segment of your market you feel this confident about.
NOTE: We will revisit both of these questions with specificity on days 2 and 3, but start writing out ideas now.
By way of example, here’s how I answer those questions:
My 1:1 clients sell services to help others go from where they are to where they want to be (A to B) – and they have an email list and Facebook group. They also are totally down with doing the work don’t blame and point fingers and they WANT success badly.
I know with certainty if someone in this situation comes to me, I can help them. And I would be fine taking on a client like this and only getting paid after she gets results. That’s how confident I am about my ability to get them a result.
Like I said, when you have confidence in your ability, you draw your people to you.
THIS is why you want to stay in your zone of genius and establish yourself there. Later, you can build on that and expand to other areas. (Add more services, group coaching, courses, etc.)
For now, we’re focusing on working with clients you KNOW you can help get killer results. Because then your work is easy.
It’s also a BLAST because you have happy clients who sing your praises – which makes it easy for more clients just like them to give you money.
So make sure you answer those two questions with total and complete honesty.
Choosing who to serve is one of the most important (if not THE most important) components of having a successful business you love.
Get this step right and the results and money flow.
Again those two questions:
What segment of my market am I supremely confident I can get results for?
What specific part of my expertise am I confident sharing?
DAY 2:
Today, we’re keeping it simple (sorta).
Write out the characteristics of your dream client.
What would have to be true for this client to be perfectly suited to your skills?
Yesterday, you started that process. Today, you’re getting MUCH more specific.
For example, if you offer help to business owners, think about the size of their lists, Facebook groups, the amount of their average sale. What do they need to have in place for you to help them the most, the fastest – all while doing the work that is EASY for you?
If you’re going to offer consulting to other coaches, consider what would have to be true about their situation. What would allow you to have zero problem helping them?
Then consider all the aspects that would have to be true about them so that it would be easy for them to hire you for the fee you want. (Eg: If she’s broke, she can’t pay you for your excellent work.)
Think about things like how much she earns or wants to earn, how committed she is to doing the work (you want people who execute, right?), how motivated she is to get a result, what she may or may not have tried in the past, that she KNOWS coaching is for her and your expertise is what she needs, and more.
Some of these steps will seem repetitive. TRUST ME, you want to do them again anyway.
DAY 3:
Now that you know who you serve and what she wants, start thinking about the skills you have that can get her these results the fastest.
At the same time, it should be the EASIEST work for you.
This should be very easy for you to come up with. A simple sentence or two about what you do best for the client you identified yesterday.
DAY 4:
By now, you should know unequivocally who you serve and how to get her the best results the fastest, while making yourself the most money EASILY.
Positioning, when done properly, only puts you in front of the people you can help the most, and the fastest.
This is how you create a PREMIUM BRAND and attract a higher caliber client.
This is how you create an entire list of people begging for your stuff.
1 – identify your right clients
2 – identify the work that makes you the most money AND gets your people the best results the fastest
3 – make sure your marketing is ALL ABOUT THEM
DAY 5:
Yesterday, you figured out your three main messages.
Today? We plaster them on all your social media channels.
Hammering the same messages to the same people, brings in more and more leads.
Perfect clients.
Make sure your messages embody what you stand for. You can share them via graphics, memes, mini-lessons, blog posts, videos, podcasts and more.
Pick you three favorite social media outlets and craft the messages, graphics, videos, etc., you will share on them TODAY.
Then get out there and spread the word.
DAY 6 & DAY 7:
This is a two-day task.
So far, we’ve identified your most valuable contribution, who needs it most and then created three main messages to plaster in front of ONLY THEM.
Next up: Starting the sales process
–> The amount a prospect is willing to pay is directly proportional to how much they believe you can get them results. <–
So prove you can help.
This starts with your opt-in.
The system…
1 – Traffic (from plastering your three main messages all over the internet) —> opt-in
2 – What’s your opt-in? Is it laser-focused on your perfect client? Does it share at least one of your main messages?
3 – Is your landing page for your opt-in laser-focused? Does it clearly tell your perfect client how this download will help her right now?
DAY 8:
So by now, you’ve got your opt-in. You’re sure it’s laser focused on your perfect client.
Today, you’re going to start promoting the fuck out of it, using the three main messages you already identified.
Everything you share, create and promote from here forward should point back to those messages.
For your opt-in, if it’s new, email your list about it and share across social media.
If it’s not new, share on social media. No need to email your list. This is FREE value for your right people. No need to be shy about giving it away.
Write an example post or two you plan to use to share your opt-in.
DAY 9:
Next up is your freebie. Something of more value than an opt-in, but still free.
It could be a webinar, a report, a 45- minute training video.
Specific examples of what you can offer:
– free how-to report that lists the steps they can take to move toward the result they want most
– 5 unusual ways to work less and make more.
– The secret psychology of why people refer to consultants and coaches
– How to get clients without ever having to do another discovery call
- free webinar, masterclass or video that shows them exactly what to do to get better results now
Example headlines…
How to do ____________ without having to ___________. (get result without having to do shit they hate)
What to do if ____________________________________. (your copy’s not converting)
An open letter to _________________________________. (Coaches who have bought every course known to man but still aren’t making the money they want)
The truth about __________________________________. (Writing copy: What the professional copywriters don’t want you to know)
Why people aren’t ________________________________. (Confirmation of an existing fear. “buying on webinars anymore.” “responding to FB ads anymore.”
DAY 10 & DAY 11:
Yesterday, you started thinking about or creating your freebie.
Today, I’ll add details.
Whatever your freebie is, it needs to do the following…
– Help them for free
– Explain the benefit of what you’re teaching
– Explain WHY it’s free
– Eliminate the sales fear (“I’m not selling today.” “This is not a sales call.”)
– TEACH something
– Ask if they want help doing it AND insert “The takeaway”: “This is not for everyone. I only work with…”
– Qualify the lead (Because you’ve outlined who this is for and exactly what you can do – by helping them for free already – they know they want you. Ergo, they chase you. They email you for more info or to talk.) “If you’re interested in having me help you, …”
DAY 12:
Continuing on with examples of what to give people (your freebie). Again, make sure it’s exactly what your perfect client wants most. It should take them 45-60 minutes to get through your training.
Specific examples of your freebie (webinar, report, ebook or video)
– free how-to report that lists the steps they can take to move toward the result they want most
= 5 unusual ways to work less and make more
= The secret psychology of why people refer to consultants and coaches
= How to get clients without ever having to do another discovery call
– free webinar, masterclass or video that shows them exactly what to do to get better results now
End the freebie with FACTS:
– Who you serve.
– What you charge.
– An offer/pitch.
– How to get what you’re offering (email you, click link to calendar to schedule a call, etc.).
THEN we need to give it a killer headline.
Write down what your freebie does and what you are calling it.
DAY 13:
Headlines can make or break your stuff.
How many people want it, how likely they are to download it, consume and even implement it begin with WHAT YOU CALL IT.
Most people make the mistake of trying to be clever with a headline or title. The result is few people understand how what you’re giving them will help, or with what.
Today, we end all that.
These example headlines are literally plug-and-play. Try them ALL. Mix and match.
How to do ____________ without having to ___________. (get result without having to do shit they hate)
What to do if ____________________________________. (your copy’s not converting)
An open letter to _________________________________. (Coaches who have bought every course known to man but still aren’t making the money they want)
The truth about __________________________________. (Writing copy: What the professional copywriters don’t want you to know)
Why people aren’t ________________________________. (Confirmation of an existing fear. “buying on webinars anymore.” “responding to FB ads anymore.”
Write down what your freebie is and the title you’ve chosen.
DAY 14:
Here’s what we’ve done so far:
Traffic (from sharing our three main messages everywhere) —> opt-in —> freebie —> apply for a call (NOT a discovery call)
Here’s where we qualify leads before they talk to you.
They already know you can help them, because you did with your freebie.
They already know what you charge and what you’re offering. Because you TOLD them in your freebie.
If they’ve gone through your opt-in, digested and implemented, then done the same with your freebie, they like you. This is not a question of do they want to hire you. It’s a question of how much money they want to pay you.
This call determines that.
At the end of your freebie, when you tell them what you charge, who you work with, what the offer is, THEN you tell them how to contact you if they are interested.
Some people make it a link to a calendar for a quick call. Some have them directly email.
Either way, you want to get pertinent info about them to determine if they are the RIGHT client.
“Here’s what to do next:
Click the link below to schedule a planning session with me.
You’ll see a form with a few questions about you and your business and what you want to accomplish. Once I receive it, I’ll do some research on the best methods for you and we can schedule a time to talk.”
Today, choose how you want prospects to reach you and create an intake form so you can gather info on them prior to speaking.
DAY 15:
So far, you’ve figured out…
– Who you serve
– How you best serve them
– Your three main messages
– Your opt-in
– Your freebie
– And a call to action inside the freebie
Now let’s dig into what’s real…
Who in your life have you told about your business? Have you shared your big vision with anyone?
Most people don’t. They fear rejection or criticism.
But I’m here to tell you that one of the main reasons visions don’t come true is because we don’t share them.
The reality is when you tell people your vision, they are likely to either do work for you or help you get it done, often even referring you to other people who can help.
Soooooooo, what if you wrote a manifesto and put it on your website? Shared it with your tribe? Write your goals on Post-It Notes and plastered the suckers everywhere?
The more people who know what you’re going for, the more they can support you.
Three steps today:
1 – Share your vision
2 – Break it down into specific, measurable goals (how much, by when?)
3 – Set an intention. (Objective: $X/month by DATE or Reach X people by DATE)
Declare it and see what happens.
DAY 16:
I’m too far behind.
I’ll never get all of this done.
I don’t know how.
I have no time.
I’m too tired.
I can’t concentrate.
I don’t know what to do.
Which excuse belongs to you?
You want to get the prize? Or do you want to keep telling yourself why you can’t?
Successful people do things others are unwilling to do.
Stay up later, learn how, take time, force focus, ask for help.
Find the solution. No one can do it for you.
DAY 17 & DAY 18:
This is a biggie. Hence the two days to implement.
So now you’re on the call with the perfect client who has already downloaded and implemented your opt-in and your freebie.
This person already knows you can help them (because you did for free), has seen what you charge, what your perfect offer is and is interested in more info.
We obviously open with a thank you and then dive into why they booked.
***I don’t offer the solution straight up. I ask questions to guide them to coming to the conclusion with me.***
This allows the prospect to bond with you and see the power of the two of you together.
In this example, I’ll use sales as the client’s goal.
What does your current sales process look like?
Would it be more effective if we ________________ instead of ___________________?
What happens if someone doesn’t buy from you right away?
What do you think would happen if we created a follow-up funnel for everyone who didn’t buy within four weeks?
The goal here is to give people action steps to get results NOW. You’re showing them you not only know what you’re doing, but that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Here’s how that looks with the sales example…
Based on what you’ve told me, it sounds like we can generate immediate cash by offering ________________ to your list.
It also sounds like we could garner more sales by running __________________ and targeting it to your cold leads.
After that, you could just ____________________ and add _________________ to your followup sequence.
Next, you offer your service.
Does this sound like an effective plan to you?
Do you want me to help you implement it?
Stupid simple. You’ve already proven you have the solution. Even if they don’t buy (which would be weird since they know the price and have pre-qualified themselves via your application), they will walk away knowing you are AMAZING.
Finally, you pitch…
In my 90-day program, I personally walk you through how to generate perfect leads, turn them into clients, and make sure they stay happy (and refer you to their friends).
Here’s what you get:
- 90-days of 1:1 with me working at your side to create solid campaigns designed to call in ONLY your right people
- 7 email sequences crafted just for you and your niche (all you have to do is tweak the copy and use your services)
- weekly 45-minute calls to keep you on track
- unlimited email access for questions that come up between calls
What will you ask your prospect on the call? How will you guide them to get a result with you and bond to you?
Lastly, what will you pitch?
DAY 19:
CLARITY: It’s the key to everything. Persuasion. Sales. Leadership. Making bank.
If you have the right business model, you can STOP doing 90% of the crap you’re wasting time on right now. You can focus ONLY on doing the stuff you actually enjoy.
And that means you’re working a hell of a lot less, while your RIGHT people are continuously coming to you.
Plan of Attack…
– The more qualified leads you get (based on your plan), the more money you make.
– The more offers you put in front of YOUR RIGHT PEOPLE, the more money you make.
– The stronger the match for message to prospect, the more money you make.
We already pulled out three main themes for your business.
Today, you learn how to get the perfect message in front of many more of your right people in order to sell the perfect offer you created yesterday.
Here are 13 different angles to approach your market – with the same offer. You can use these for your opt-in, live streams, webinars, and your services.
These are literally plug and play….
1. How to do ______________ without having to __________________ (increase sales without buying more ads. Solution: write better copy. “Buy my course.”)
2. The truth about __________ (writing copy: what pros don’t want you to know)
3. What to do if ____________ (if your copy’s not converting – and you’ve tried everything. “Buy my course.”)
4. An open letter to ________________ (Marketers who have bought everything but still aren’t making what they want.)
5. Declare war on common problem in industry (on people who read sales pages and don’t buy. Solution: write better copy. “Buy my course.”)
6. Woman on a mission (use this to inspire people, enlist them toward a common goal. “I’m on a mission to empower women to do what they want, feel good about it and make money.”)
7. Emotional story (highlights common problem and ties an offer in at the end.)
8. Breakthrough (Amazing new way to triple your opt-in rate)
9. Get mad (something in your industry that pisses you off)
10. Use the news (How Trump sold America with hard core story-based marketing.)
11. What you don’t know about ______________ OR What you should NOT do about ____________ (What you don’t know about actually making your copy convert. OR The one thing you should never do when writing copy.)
12. You’re wrong (Everything you were taught about __________ is wrong.)
13. Confirm an existing fear (Why people aren’t paying attention to your Facebook posts anymore. You’re right: Facebook ads are dead. Here’s the right way to do it. OR Here’s a case study…)
In this example, I’ll use sales as the client’s goal.
What does your current sales process look like?
Would it be more effective if we ________________ instead of ___________________?
What happens if someone doesn’t buy from you right away?
What do you think would happen if we created a follow-up funnel for everyone who didn’t buy within four weeks?
The goal here is to give people action steps to get results NOW. You’re showing them you not only know what you’re doing, but that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Here’s how that looks with the sales example…
Based on what you’ve told me, it sounds like we can generate immediate cash by offering ________________ to your list.
It also sounds like we could garner more sales by running __________________ and targeting it to your cold leads.
After that, you could just ____________________ and add _________________ to your followup sequence.
Next, you offer your service.
Does this sound like an effective plan to you?
Do you want me to help you implement it?
Stupid simple. You’ve already proven you have the solution. Even if they don’t buy (which would be weird since they know the price and have pre-qualified themselves via your application), they will walk away knowing you are AMAZING.
Finally, you pitch…
In my 90-day program, I personally walk you through how to generate perfect leads, turn them into clients, and make sure they stay happy (and refer you to their friends).
Here’s what you get:
- 90-days of 1:1 with me working at your side to create solid campaigns designed to call in ONLY your right people
- 7 email sequences crafted just for you and your niche (all you have to do is tweak the copy and use your services)
- weekly 45-minute calls to keep you on track
- unlimited email access for questions that come up between calls
What will you ask your prospect on the call? How will you guide them to get a result with you and bond to you?
Lastly, what will you pitch?
DAY 20:
Mix and Match!
Mix and match yesterday’s 13 angles to use for launches of new offers, in an evergreen sales funnel, FB ads, even to promote your opt-in.
The singular goal: consistent presence of the same message.
For this exercise, I want you to take one offer (preferably one that combines the answers to what you are most confident selling and who you are most confident helping) and create three different angles to get prospects in the door. (Into the funnel, your group, only your list, on the phone, whatever.)
1 – How to do ______________ without having to __________________ (increase sales without buying more ads. Solution: write better copy. “Buy my course.”)
2 – Use the news (How Trump sold America with hard core story-based marketing.)
3 – Confirm an existing fear (Why people aren’t paying attention to your Facebook posts anymore. You’re right: Facebook ads are dead. Here’s the right way to do it. OR Here’s a case study…)
1 – Confirm an existing fear (Why people aren’t paying attention to your Facebook posts anymore. You’re right: Facebook ads are dead. Here’s the right way to do it. OR Here’s a case study…)
2 – Declare war on common problem in industry (on people who read sales pages and don’t buy. Solution: write better copy. “Buy my course.”)
3 – How to do ______________ without having to __________________ (increase sales without buying more ads. Solution: write better copy. “Buy my course.”)
1 – An open letter to ________________ (Marketers who have bought everything but still aren’t making what they want.)
2 – The truth about __________ (writing copy: what pros don’t want you to know)
3 – Declare war on common problem in industry (on people who read sales pages and don’t buy. Solution: write better copy. “Buy my course.”)
The above are three examples of endless combinations.
DAY 21:
Now we’ll look at the three ways to followup with each angle.
Let’s say you used open letter angle for your offer: An open letter to ________________ (Women entrepreneurs who have bought every course but still aren’t making what they want.)
Follow that with the emotional story, the woman on a mission and then the you’re wrong angles in one funnel. It would look like this:
Emotional story (highlights common problem and ties an offer in at the end.)
Woman on a mission (use this to inspire people, enlist them toward a common goal. “I’m on a mission to empower women to do what they want, feel good about it and make money.”)
You’re wrong (Everything you were taught about __________ is wrong.)
Or maybe you used the declaration of war:
Declare war on common problem in industry (on people who read sales pages and don’t buy. Solution: write better copy. “Buy my course.”)
Follow that with the truth about, how-to and an emotional story.
The truth about __________ (writing copy: what pros don’t want you to know)
How to do ______________ without having to __________________ (kill price resistance. you’re not too expensive.)
Emotional story (highlights common problem and ties an offer in at the end.)
The possibilities here are endless.
The next time you don’t know what else to say about your offer, opt-in or webinar, go to the list.
DAY 22:
Nine questions I learned from Jack Canfield on how to take 100% radical responsibility and change your life NOW.
1 – What’s difficult or troubling in your life right now?
2 – How are you creating it or allowing it to happen?
3 – What are you pretending NOT to know?
4 – What’s the payoff for keeping things the same? (The cost = keeps you comfortable)
5 – What would you rather be experiencing?
6 – What actions will you take to create this?
7 – By WHEN will you take that action?
8 – On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to commit to taking action?
9 – What would make that a 10?
Don’t judge your answers. Just let them come. The whole thing should take 5 minutes or less. Write down your ahas.
DAY 23:
Based on yesterday’s 9 questions:
– what actions do you need to take?
– when are you taking them?
– how committed are you to getting your ass in gear so you can have what you want?
DAY 24:
Four days left to get shit done.
Where are you in the process? Opt-in? Freebie? Followup questionnaire? Know what you’re going to say on our calls?
DAY 25:
Dear God, we’ve done a lot inside 25 days.
Business model
Income goal
Call script
Close the sale
Where are you stuck (if you’re stuck)?
Three days until we wrap up.
DAY 26:
One of the most common pitfalls for entrepreneurs? Not asking for help. We convince ourselves that we should know everything already, that asking for help shows weakness, that we will be judged, etc. All that does is keep us in the dark – not knowing and afraid.
Let’s ditch this, hmmm?
I noticed in another group that some people struggled with the freebie portion of the Client Faucet but never asked for clarity or help.
Were you struggling? What do you most need help with?
DAY 27:
Two days left.
Where are you at?
DAY 28:
Inside less than a month, you’ve learned how to identify your perfect client, the service you love providing for that client that earns you the most money and gets your client the best result the fastest, created an opt-in, a freebie, a call script and learned how to close a sale.
Epic by any standard.