A weekend retreat designed to offer you a soft landing and a powerful space to lean in, as you receive wisdom and clarity for the path ahead. You will be held and supported in all ways.
To heal, to receive what you seek, to listen yourself. To play and dance. To be free and untamed.
We focus on three core principles

This ONE thing – awareness of your body – gives you important feedback about how you’re feeling. It also gives you valuable information about the situation at hand. In cases of dysregulation, your body signals also serve as an alert that your internal balance is off.
Your body is asking you to take action by doing something to restore the balance & help your body feel more comfortable. Every time you notice and act on behalf of your body, this creates new neural pathways of understanding. The more often you check-in with yourself, the stronger the pathways & the more safe you feel.
Horses, by nature, are extremely sensitive to their environment. They respond to what is presented to them by reflecting how it feels. When you show up, they will display behavior and body language in response to you. And you might be startled by what you see before you.
The benefit of horse medicine is it puts you back in your body, noticing your own signals. By honoring those, by giving yourself what you may not even know you needed, you build stronger self-trust, confidence and competence. All of which makes you a better human and a stronger leader.
This retreat is for any woman called to nature, curious about the energy of horses, and wanting to deepen into an exploration of thriving as women trailblazers.
We spend two days immersed in nature with a herd of horses that live on 60 acres. We join them in their space to receive the purity of their wisdom and insightful interactions, and to receive the teachings they have for us.
All the experiences are done on the ground, in relationship with the horses as our guides. If you have a fear of horses, that’s okay because you’ll learn how to safely be with them.
Learning to move with your healthy boundaries of safety is just one of teachings you’ll take away.
We enjoy afternoon sessions with the herd, allowing them to show us what we need while savoring the opportunity to be in their energy and wisdom. There is no agenda other than to be in their space and allow what is needing to take place to take place. It always does.
The horses and the creative play sessions give us an opportunity to learn what it means to be driven by authentic connection, our intuition and our cycles and rhythms.
In this natural state of being with the herd and ourselves, we are shown what we need to learn and what our own body is asking of us.
Time and space is always set aside for exploration and integration through creative play sessions, journaling, coaching and also by being on the land.
We’re so looking forward to welcoming you.