Here’s your chance to grab the Clarity, Clients & Cash® for more than half off.
The CCC® experience was designed as an all-in-one solution to help women in their first or second year in business present what they do in an attractive way, get clients and make some real damn money (finally) – while alongside other powerful women on the rise.
You can check out all the deets here.
This is only available as an upgrade for the F*ck the Haters program and will expire within 96 hours.
Want in?
One time fee: $597
Clarity, Clients & Cash® is normally sold for $1997
Only available for 96 hours.
Want F*ck the Haters without the upgrade? Click below.
One time fee: $197
No, thanks. I only want F*ck the Haters, no upgrade.
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Refund Policy
All sales are final. We do not accept returns on products and our programs, including coaching, are non-refundable.
Please read our full terms and conditions by clicking here.