A 3-month program designed to scale your business and create deeper transformations for your clients.

You have a gift to share with the world – and maybe you’re terrified no one will want it. (I was.)

You may be hustling 80 hours a week – and still scraping change from the sofa for groceries. (I did for years.)

You might harbor disbelief that someone would ever hire little, old you to help them. (Guilty.)

Do you cringe every time you send an invoice because “how can I charge for something that comes so easily to me?” (I used to too.)

It’s time women like you stopped worrying and started getting what you deserve.

Here’s the thing:

Most budding entrepreneurs have already invested A LOT of money and just as much emotional bandwidth in their businesses.

Trust. Belief. Cash.

And then nothing happens.

It leaves you feeling deflated and bitter.

It often brings you to the point where (like I was not long ago), you either need to give up or have a breakthrough.

Because sitting at the computer thinking…

“This won’t work for me…”
“I’m not confident enough to start…”

“I’m not an internet celebrity…”

Leads to…

  • Continuing to struggle to make ends meet
  • Attracting clients you don’t want (or none at all)
  • Banging your head against the keyboard in utter despair

Sound familiar?

When you do good work in the world, getting paid well isn’t a bonus – it’s your right.

In fact…
You deserve to have a business that gets you so damn excited you practically jump out of bed in the morning…to check your email and your bank balance.

You deserve to have the time to actually enjoy the freedom that comes from running your own biz because you’re not chained to your laptop every waking moment hustling to get by.

And above all, you deserve to feel wildly confident doing your thing, at prices you love that support the life YOU want to live.

What you need boils down to three things: Clarity, Clients & Cash®


This revolutionary 12-lesson self-study program is for women entrepreneurs who want – you guessed it – more clarity, clients and cash.

The CCC experience was designed as an all-in-one solution to help women in their first or second year in business present what they do in an attractive way, get clients and make some real money (finally) – while alongside other powerful women on the rise.

Here’s the truth…

This is not ‘another course’ and it’s not for just any entrepreneur.

Sure, it includes all the practical stuff most business courses throw at you, but it also goes much deeper than that.

CCC includes an important (and elusive) missing piece most online training for coaches totally ignores: The part where we figure out what the heck is truly blocking you from success.

You will be taken through a process that…

  • Teaches you how to effectively grow your business without burning yourself out
  • Removes your blocks of being able to create powerful content and promotion that feels good
  • Integrates a conscious coaching that creates a massive impact

Maybe you’ve taken a multitude of other courses – maybe even courses on money mindset or self-belief – which may have helped you piecemeal your biz together.

But CCC is the one that will tie it all together so you can finally create the business you want, without worrying you’re going to somehow sabotage it all.

Because “showing up” doesn’t just mean pretty websites or marketing. It means taking a look at how you move through the world and what you believe about yourself.

CCC will bring you a business that…

…makes an impact – you know you have what it takes to improve the lives of others.

…cements self-confidence – goodbye, self-doubt.

…makes free time – no more burnout. You are the boss of your talent and time.

How do I know this works? Because I’ve done it.

I grew my business FAST by being clear about who I want to serve and why – AND by shifting the way I think about myself, my talent and my money.

In a former life, I was a journalist. I came to coaching by accident, after many years of panic disorder and PTSD. Blogging was my therapy, and since other bloggers knew I had a writing background, they asked for help. Eventually, that led me to helping writers get the words out – finishing books, polishing short stories and submissions. I carved my niche in the coaching world. You can too.

When I left journalism, I didn’t even know what a coach was. Falling into this business was a happy accident.

But learning how to become successful was hard, hard work. I didn’t even make $2K a month for a couple years.

It was only through investing in myself, by hiring coaches and soaking up their knowledge, that I was able to claw my way to the top. I took myself from $212 months to $160K months (plural).

It didn’t happen on its own. No one did it for me. But my mentors DID share two things that changed my life:

  • self-doubt would crush me if I didn’t let it go AND
  • the systems and structures needed to run a successful coaching practice.

I built my coaching business from the ground up. It took years, buckets of money, heaps of mistakes and MORE money.

The good news? You don’t have to do it that way. I’m here to support you and help you create your business exactly the way you want, much faster.

Every ounce of me believes we can have anything we want.

All we have to do is go for it – and try to stop doing it all alone.

The same techniques I teach in CCC are what I share with my VIP clients all over the world. And they get the same killer results.

Honestly, I couldn’t find the strategies taught in CCC anywhere in the online or coaching world. That’s why I went out there and created this myself. I refined everything I knew with a positive approach to running a successful, purpose-driven business – fast –  and HEY, CCC was born.

And now? You benefit. (It’s cool. You can thank me later.)

So let’s …

  • get super-clear on who you are and what you do. By the time we’re done, it won’t matter who does the same kind of work. You’ll finally recognize YOU offer something no one else can.
  • start making a consistent income.
  • understand deep inside you deserve to have a business you love and that makes money.

(Payment plans available at checkout)


  • Clarity, Clients & Cash Self-Study Program (Lifetime Access)
  • Client contract templates (Value: $3,000)
  • Client intake forms (Value: $997)
  • An additional 4 (90+ min) masterclasses and 3 workbooks (Value: $1,000)



In each lesson, you receive a workbook full of tips and strategies (techniques I learned the hard way with lots of time and money) and training from me.

Over the lessons, we’ll get to the root of what’s holding you back and dig it up, so you can ultimately let it go. The benefits here are twofold: You get over your own blocks and you pick up advanced coaching skills you can use in your own biz.


They’re jam-packed and go with the live training to expand on the weekly topic, enabling you to dive deeper. This includes done-for-you templates and client contracts, worksheets and checklists – everything you need to run a thriving coaching business.


You’ll have access to a private Facebook forum with like-minded professionals all working toward excellence. And I’m there to review your web copy edits.


We have a lot of them. These top-notch entrepreneurs are bringing training on sales, social media, content, Facebook ads, hiring the right support, branding and much more.


THE CCC experience is for coaches, mentors and healers who want a community dedicated to nothing but feeling good and fulfilling their purpose. It’s THE group to be in to grow your business in a supported way, surrounded by other women all pushing each other forward.

My own breakthrough came when I was working with THREE mentors and found an awesome tribe of like-minded women.

Money alone can’t buy the energy that comes from surrounding yourself with women on a similar mission.

You want to be with women who have big dreams and the motivation it takes to make dreams happen.

Their breakthroughs become your breakthroughs. Surrounded by women elevating themselves, you will have no choice but to do the same – and you won’t find a stronger level of accountability than women who are going for it and have your back.

CCC is only for women who are truly ready to experience their best lives and who are dedicated to creating change in the world. It’s the giant kick in the butt you need to start running the exact business you want – FAST.



  • Mindset, understanding blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Defining your niche
  • Finding clients


  • Creating your services + packages
  • Copywriting that converts (this the first part of an entire copywriting course that runs two weeks)


  • Copywriting that converts (this is the second part of an entire copywriting course that runs two weeks)
  • True visibility (Because no one wants what they don’t yet know they can have)


  • Branding like a pro, with Erin Monaghan
  • The art of growing a thriving Facebook community, with Christina Jandali


  • Nurturing your audience (repurposing content), with Monique Pearson
  • Developing a sales funnel that grows your following (from landing page to opt-in to welcome email and on)


  • Hiring the right support, with Amber Miller
  • High-level coaching techniques, with Shannon Kaiser
  • Plus special bonuses on client contract templates and more.

And yo, this is A LOT of information. Which is why when you purchase CCC, you have LIFETIME ACCESS. Yes, you can retake it as many times as you wish.

• • •

If something isn’t working in your coaching business, but you don’t know what…

If you’re ready to go pro, get rid of your money blocks and step into your genius, like yesterday…

(Payment plans available at checkout)


  • Clarity, Clients & Cash Self-Study Program (Lifetime Access)
  • Client contract templates (Value: $3,000)
  • Client intake forms (Value: $997)
  • An additional 4 (90+ min) masterclasses and 3 workbooks (Value: $1,000)

Almost $5,000 in bonuses!

You’re a great fit for CCC if:

  • You understand the importance of investing in yourself and the need for accountability.
  • You want to stop wasting time on working it out yourself or enrolling in multiple online programs, and instead want a step-by-step roadmap to success. (Hello, clarity.)
  • Despite the fear, worry and self-doubt, you’re ready to move forward because you know you are destined for more.
  • You’re determined to tackle your blocks. You understand money is not a dirty word and that when we choose the right mindset, anything is possible. It’s called wealth consciousness.
  • You are determined to make an impact and be compensated well for your amazing services.
  • You’re ready to create a unique offering. Something so unique, your ideal client would be crazy to turn it down. (Kinda like this one.)


“Looking back from where I was just 12 weeks ago and comparing that to where I am now- WHO I am now, I never would have believed that I could come this far.

I had no idea what to expect, aside from a shit ton of awesome information because that’s just what you do. What blew my mind, though, is the impact of all the mindset work had in my life.

It’s a brilliant plan and I’m not surprised that you do the mindset stuff first, then the nuts and bolts of building an online business…because we can learn all the how-tos, but our minds will derail us if we let it run amuck!

I had no idea that I would go through so much healing during this CCC journey with you and all the other women in the group.

I feel like I not only learned the ins and outs of starting a business online, but I grew into this woman that was hiding. She was there, and you got her to come out and claim her crown.

…It was healing to open up to you and the ladies, and know that I was supported in a way that inspired me to face what was weighing me down. I cannot thank you enough for that alone.

I’m so glad I signed up for CCC…. it changed me in so many ways and I’m appreciative to have worked with you.”

Blessed Be. – Shannon Heater

“The CCC program has been amazing.I am still making my way through the course and doing the work. I have listened to all the calls, some multiple times and I continue to gain insights and practical tips and tools for my business and my mindset.

It was a good mix of having guest speakers and the coaching calls which you, Becky. I related to the issues and situations the women brought to you and can apply the coaching you offered to my own situation. Some of the questions the women asked we my exact questions. Pretty good.

As things have come up for me, (eg, pricing my offers, creating content, creating programs and courses) I have returned to those sessions as needed. I’m pleased to have ongoing access to the course, there is SO much in it.”

– Judy Mort


(Payment plans available at checkout)


  • Clarity, Clients & Cash Self-Study Program (Lifetime Access)
  • Client contract templates (Value: $3,000)
  • Client intake forms (Value: $997)
  • An additional 4 (90+ min) masterclasses and 3 workbooks (Value: $1,000)

Still not sure if you’re ready? Email us at admin(at)rebeccatdickson(dot)com with any questions.


Refund Policy: Please be sure you are 100% committed to the work that you’ll need to do for CCC as we do not offer refunds or cancellations for this program. By using or purchasing our program you understand and agree that all sales are final and no refunds will be provided for any reason.

Please read our full terms and conditions by clicking here.

Emma WardCCC helped me get clearer on who I want to serve and my true mission. I released some serious money blocks that I had been carrying for years.

The LIVE calls were incredible. The guest experts delivered above and beyond too. The support from the group and Becky was so valuable to me.

This program is great to help people get on track and form the essential foundation mindset and structures to run a business. – Emma Ward

Carole BTaking CCC made me me more aware of my (brain shit) – crumbs.

I enjoyed everything that had to do with mindset; it was great. I loved having my sales page reviewed but also having the tools to write something well. The weekly calls were AWESOME, and the guests and Becky were top notch.

CCC is truly amazing and I don’t think there is anything on the market like this. – Carole Bozkurt

Just had to share with you… I followed this structure for one of the biggest clients I’ve ever talked with. And YES. It’s a YES. I knew he was interested, but I was a wee bit nervous and really held to your call structure and it helped tremendously.

Lady, you’ve changed my life. I also have let go of my ridiculous idea that I needed to keep my prices low. What a load of crap. In fact, they are going up. You fucking rock. You really do. – Share Ross

Carolina Velasquez-Gomez

CCC was a life-changing decision!

It introduced me to a whole new world where the possibilities are endless with the right mindset and the best part, this powerful mindset is learned in CCC. This mindset will be key to building a successful business in which you attract the dream clients you have always imagined having.

It literally felt like I was being handed the blueprint to becoming a millionaire with my business.

This program will bring the much-needed clarity that we all seek as entrepreneur to have a successful business and to have an unbelievable mentor like Becky on your side is just priceless. If you loved Becky before taking CCC, you will make you fall more in love with her, if that’s even possible.

I can’t find the words to describe the too good to be true value that I’m getting out of it. The workbooks are full of expertise info, the weekly calls with Becky and our weekly Experts are full of wisdom you can apply instantly, and being part of the CCC FB tribe is amazing! In the FB community, we get help from our weekly experts, Becky, and other awesome CCC classmates, so there is no chance for B.S. excuses. And a great perk you get lifetime access to the program, which helps you go at your own pace if needed. You can apply everything you are learning to any business. – Carolina Velasquez-Gomez

Marin GravesIf I had to describe Becky’s signature CCC program in one phrase it would be life changing. Not only in my business, but in terms of MINDSET. You will discover your confidence, how to promote that, reveal your deeper identity and, I should mention, all that is accomplished in just the first two weeks. I haven’t even gotten to the techy business aspects of the course that address blog posting, copywriting, energy vibration work, webpages, sales, opt-ins, packaging, Facebook advertising and autoresponders. To top it off, a workbook that actually “works,” and one you look forward to completing because with every page, there is a new lightbulb moment. I had no idea what I was getting into when I signed up for this course, but I do know I was led to it.

I am a psychic. I am a stubborn psychic who thought, “I know myself. I’m an intelligent person. I can read books and watch YouTube video courses and figure this business stuff out myself. I should focus on working hard and making more money not spending it.” Thank goodness the psychic voice in me said to just do it – and I listened. And because of that, it has made all the difference. – Marin Graves

Clare FielderTo me, this is the real deal. You see that from session one. Straight off the bat. Where this course differs from all the others. At the core of all of it, is the Mind Set work. So many people have it as a token gesture in pre-course material or slotted into the last module. Here it is front and centre for a reason. And that reason makes all the difference. After session one I could tell this course would be life changing. After session 3, I knew this course should come with a health warning. I’m only halfway through. I think differently. I show up differently. I have gained Clarity. The course group is filled with amazing ladies (and Sean) who are all stretching out of their own comfort zones. Who take brave steps to move themselves forward. Without question or hesitation, I would recommend Becky’s CCC program. – Clare Fielder

I made $2,500 after one hour with Becky. Best hour I’ve spent in my business so far, and it’s only the beginning. I know with her by my side I AM going to get where I need to be. (I’d say want, but I have a feeling she has bigger dreams for me than I could ever imagine.) If you’ve been thinking about hiring a business coach, and you’re ready to hear what you NEED to do (not what you want to hear), you MUST take Becky up on this offer. I have no doubt she can help you like she helped me. – Dayna House

HOLY SHIT. Becky is a genius. I inarticulately rambled for five minutes about what I did and Becky brilliantly boiled that down into a few powerful sentences that completely spoke to my audience in a way I could not find the words for. She works at lightning speed, over delivers and I’m so glad I took the leap of faith to hire her when I did. Even just an hour will create big shifts that you need. Hire her. – Dr. Jenev Caddell

If you’ve ever dreamed of having an online business that you fucking love, doing work that fuels you and that keeps you awake at night with giddiness and excitement, all the while getting paid what you’re worth, you owe it to yourself to spend an hour with this woman. She is incredible. I had a session with her and have totally upped my game in a BIG way. Thank you, Becky! – Jennifer Blanchard

Becky, you are amazing! Within an hour, you got exactly what I wanted to say in my sales copy – and I feel really comfortable selling at a higher rate now too. Thank you so much. If anybody is still thinking about hiring you: Do it now before she doubles her rate.Sandra Pilarczyk

Worth every penny. Becky’s approach is unique and it works. If you’re struggling with any part of your biz (especially the making money part), Becky’s your girl. Jenn Scalia

Becky provides MASSIVE value in her coaching. She is laser-focused, no BS (but you’d expect that from her, now wouldn’t you?) and will upend your beliefs about what to charge. Since I am all about the actionable to-do list, I really appreciated how clear she was about what I needed to tackle point by point. Don’t hesitate to sign up if you are considering it. Seriously. Do it. Lisa Sharp

So much info in one session that your head will explode. Copy work you would ordinarily slave over? Done. Sales emails? Done. Tips for tweaking your site, calls to action, pricing info based on what lights YOU up? Freakin’ amazing. I’ve never felt this way about my biz, ever. And I can feel the shifts happening on an energetic level already. Do it! Seriously. – Lamisha Serf-Walls

YOU gave me permission to go where I KNEW I wanted to go. I needed that permission and I needed that perspective. I needed to hear your story, I needed to know it was possible and I needed to understand the difference in doing business online and its potential for my business. I needed to hear that it is not my business what others can or can’t afford. You gave me clear and actionable plans/ideas to build on what I am working on right now. You didn’t add to my pile, but just turned on the lights. You changed my perspective and that one hour changed my life. No shit. Changed how I think and feel about my business and MADE me believe that it is not about ‘if’ I will earn the income I want, but that it is already on its way. My debt now looks like a pussycat because, when I put it beside what I will be earning, it is. My job now is to implement what you gave me and keep my eyes on the direction I am going and enjoy the fucking ride. Tantrums and all. Your work is making a difference, Becky, and I am so happy to be part of your success. – Lisa Carpenter

I am blown away by how much we covered in an hour. I was nervous about the investment, not because I didn’t think Becky was good at what she did, but because after going round in circles over the last few years and doubting myself, I was beginning to believe I was a lost cause. That there was too much wrong with me and my business to get value in an hour. I was wrong. I got soooo much clarity, advice and amazing copy that I can not wait to get started. Thanks Becky, you are an absolute star! – Julia Harris

CCC has helped me so much. I now have clarity on who I serve, I show up everyday and my business page has increased in numbers. I have also increased my clients and my monthly income has doubled!

The most valuable thing I got out of the program was learning to just show up everyday. I was terrified of doing Facebook Lives, but after being in CCC I finally decided to just do it. Now I just show up and do the Facebook live and I don’t even think twice about it. I now show up everyday and post at least one thing but most days twice a day if not 3 times a day. This has increased my numbers on my business page and my private facebook group. Just showing up alone is getting people’s attention for my business and has increased my clients.

I would definitely recommend this program to others. It has grown my business in so many ways. I feel more confident in my business and what I am doing and it is because of CCC. – Tracy Gohrick

Earnings Disclaimer

We don’t believe in get rich programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others.

Our programs are intended to help you share your message with a larger audience and to make a difference in the world, while growing your business. As stipulated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies.

After all, it takes hard work to succeed at anything in life. Your results are up to you and the amount of effort and resources you are willing to put into succeeding.

We just want to help by giving great content, direction and strategies that move you forward.

Nothing on this page or any of our websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice.

Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are simply estimates or projections, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings.

All numbers are illustrative only.

In fact, the average person who purchases this and other programs never puts the work into implementing the strategies taught and therefore achieves little to no results.

Our more detailed earnings disclaimer, privacy policy, and terms and conditions for this program and website can be accessed via the link below.

Transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. Thank you.