114,000 words later, THANK YOU! (And more gifts)
Yesterday, we celebrated our one-year anniversary. And HOLY SHIT did you ever join the party.
More than 60,000 spit-shined words came across my editing desk in 14.5 hours – Twitter bios, Facebook profiles and the first 100 words of your works in progress – from hundreds of writers all over the country.
Ranee Dillon gave out plot, structure and synopsis advice from dawn ’til well after midnight, clocking in more than 54,000 words from thirty-five authors. And puh-lease, that work is not just cleaning up text. It’s elbow-deep rooting around and dragging out the heart of your stories. Should we mention the plot + structure guide we gave away? Our Mastermind students say it’s worth more than their $2,000 class itself.
But we’re not done.
• The plot + structure guide I just mentioned? It’s a primer on story arcs, acts, transitions, conflicts, climax and resolution – complete with a handy graph you can plug your storyline into. Plus a short list of blog posts to help you GET WRITING. You can get it today for $3. (That’s less than your freaking morning latte.)
• Second bonus. A HEFTY discount on a one-hour consult with moi. Normally, these sessions go for $299 each. I’ve made 10 slots available for $97. They include an audio recording, custom-designed plan to implement what we talk about and a complimentary copy of my book, THE Guide.
Professional tips and tricks? Methods? Getting unblocked? No problem. If you want to shake shit up – brainstorm, re-work, get inspired and unblocked – this option works well. You will learn how to laser focus your work, believe in yourself and your words, and fully understand the concept of “No one can tell the story like you.” (Thank you, Michael Xavier.)
I have 10 slots 3 slots – count ’em, ten three – for $97. Once they’re gone, they are gone. This is a one-time offer.
• Third bonus. Ranee Dillon is opening up 10 slots for writers who need story re-structure or plot definition. Same deal. One hour of awesome, recorded and sent to you with a plan to get your ass in gear, as well as a free copy of our plot + structure guide. Ten Two slots available for $97 each.
The catch? None. Fuck catches. Thank you for an amazing first year. We can’t wait to dive into the next 12 months with even more spunk – and swearing.
Did you miss out on yesterday’s free edits? Don’t do that again. Get on our subscriber list (upper right hand corner of this page) for instant access to 48,788-ish flavors of incredible writerly tips and tricks. And a copy of my book, A Writer’s Voice, to help you write like YOU.