“Is this the real life?”

Freddy Mercury is king.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, we can’t be friends. (Bohemian Rhapsody. Duh.)

This is the sort of email I’ve dreamed about writing. Hence the subject line…

Global healing is a large piece of our mission at Witchy Women. We are grateful to do our part to restore and protect Earth.

With that in mind, a new candle line and smudge kit is out NOW, handcrafted by us to directly benefit The White Feather Foundation, a charity established by Julian Lennon to conserve life and preserve the planet.

These products are completely organic, non-GMO, with ethically harvested ingredients, and are hand-poured in small batches. The same exceptional quality you’ve come to expect from us.

You can choose from five candle varieties in four different sizes. (We aim to please.) The candle line includes Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Dream — the five elements of life.

You will not find them anywhere else. Period.

Plus we put together a ceremonial smudge kit that includes sage, selenite, an Abalone shell with a wooden stand, and an ethically harvested feather to spread the smoke. Everything you need to cleanse, purify and heal.

Here’s the best part: 30% of every sale benefits conservation and environmental projects for The White Feather Foundation.

The TWFF logo is featured on the labels of all candles, which are infused with 100% therapeutic essential oils, organic herbs and ethically-harvested crystals.

Like all our candles, they also include cotton wicks and organic, clean-burning soy wax. The feathers for the smudge kits and the candles (yes, each candle has a white feather, too) come from my own flock of organic and free-range ducks and geese, who happily molt them all over my New Hampshire farm.

To view the full line of candles and the smudge kit, and to order, click here.

If you are a witch, you already know you are a steward of the land. Witches commune with nature. We know the elements are the roots by which all things come into being. And therefore, we know how important it is to protect our planet. Witchy Women is exceedingly proud to be part of a global solution.

If you are not a witch, know this: You are made up of the four elements. You are a living, breathing, walking, talking slice of consciousness – a piece of Earth, Herself – with the simultaneous ability to support a healthier Earth.

I cannot wait to see how THIS community chooses to co-create a better Earth by supporting TWFF and all its endeavors. I already know you will LOVE the new products.

Let’s show them how much we care about people and the planet, and get some amazing new candles and smudge kits, too.

Here’s that link again.

3 Types of Summer Magic to Experiment With

Litha, Summer Solstice, Gathering Day, Feast of Epona, Alban Hefin (Druid, ‘Light of the Shore’), Midsumarsblot (Norse), Johnmas

Roughly June 20-23.

Midsummer celebrates the summer solstice. It is the longest day of the year, when Earth is at its closest to the sun.

It marks the end of the waxing year and beginning of the waning year, when the sun’s power begins to fade and the days grow shorter. It is opposite to Yule, or Midwinter, which marks the shortest day of the year.

At Midsummer, the powers of nature reach their highest point. The days are warmer and the earth is bountiful.

In ancient times, Litha/Midsummer marked the middle of summer, with the beginning of summer at Beltane (April 30-May 1) and the end of summer at Lammas (August 1). Astronomically, Litha marks the first day of summer, reflected on the North American calendar.

The myth of Litha celebrates the triumph of light over darkness. In Wicca, it is thought the Sun God is at his highest point. Traditionally, it is thought this is the time when the Oak King is bested by the Holly King. The Oak King is thought to rule from Midwinter (Yule) to Midsummer (Litha), a period of fertility, expansion and growth. The Oak King is ‘slain’ by the Holly King at Litha (to rule from Midsummer to Midwinter) – a period of harvest, withdrawal and wisdom.

The date roughly corresponds to the Christian Feast of St. John (Johnmas) on June 24. The Oak King and Holly King can be compared to John the Baptist and Jesus, with Jesus’ birth celebrated at the winter solstice (Yule) and John’s celebrated at the summer solstice (Litha).

This time is also associated with the festival of Vestalia, which celebrated the Roman goddess of virginity, and the Feast of Epona, the Roman goddess of the horse and fertility.

Midsummer is a great time to connect with nature and the outdoors. It is associated with joy and feasting. Flowers, oak trees and sun wheels are common symbols.

Traditionally on Midsummer Eve, it was said elves, sprites and fairies were found in great numbers, making this a great time to commune with them.

3 Types of Summer Magic to Experiment With

Opening Up: In the heat of summer, we can open into the peak of our power. Rituals can include all forms of fire and candle magic to bless yourself and your home with abundance and protection. Commune with local land spirits and leave them offerings or invite in abundance. Awaken to new forms of ancient wisdom. Celebrate what you have learned so far in life. Dance, laugh, make a vow of service to your community. Practice divination to help you open up to new possibilities about who you are and your life path.

Use the smudge spray to help remove negative or stagnant energy from your space.

Taking Risks: We take risks and face our fears so that we can grow as magical beings. Rituals for this can include shadow work (long days cast longer shadows), fear-breaking charms, doing that thing you’ve been putting off, choosing to be seen and heard by others, finally trying out a type of magic you’ve hesitated to do before, cord-cutting from relationships and ways of thinking, even self-blessings — because it is a radical act to love all of your being.

Practice this by setting clear intentions and manifest those desires using our Zen Goddess Kit.

Being Love(d): We choose love in all of its forms because we deserve to love and be loved in return. Rituals include enchantments of love, self-love, a romantic friendship, deeply erotic love, sensual love, family love, community love, and more. Tell the ones you love nine times in one day. Use the power of fire to transform any energy that comes your way into love. Have sex and make love (preferably outdoors). Work exclusively with God/dess/es of love for a full cycle of the Moon. Invite in new possibilities for love and self-love. Perform a ritual skyclad as a sign that you are free and loved fiercely.

Bring in love by performing your own Love Spell using our Self Love Kit.

Witchy Women Magic Shoppe is a woman-owned, ethical, sustainable and philanthropic metaphysical supply shoppe. Our mission is to support healing, growth and restoration of people and the planet.

All our handmade products are infused with frequency 528Hz – the frequency of miracles and love – thought to resonate at the core of everything. It connects the heart and spirit with Divine Harmony.

This sound has been used since ancient civilizations to manifest miracles, bring blessings, and harness a healing property. It is now available to you in every candle, oil, potion, herbal blend, spray, soap or salt.