Don’t believe you can manifest the life you deserve?

The only block keeping you from a “Is this life real?” moment is lack of confidence.

Maybe you don’t know how to start manifesting anything.

You’ve tried to woo-woo approach part-time but you haven’t given it everything you’ve got.

You believe it can work but your partner is a hater, so you’ve put off learning.

But that’s about to change.

YOU control where your life goes, where the things you’ve dreamed of become reality (and they aren’t so hard to make happen, either).

If you’ve been following me, you know I offer a course about manifestation and mindset, specifically designed to help you learn the best approaches to manifesting anything you want.

It’s called Manifest NOW and it takes you away from the fluffy bullshit of hoping, praying and wishing. INSTEAD, you make everything you want happen (while earning what you deserve).

Here’s the best part:

I’m teaching Manifest NOW live for the first time in a year for the stupid low price of $197. (And I’m not sure when – or if – I’ll ever do it again.)

Two years ago this month, I was struggling to make it as a writing coach. I had more outstanding bills with people who worked for me than I had money in the bank.

This August was my two-year anniversary, celebrating when I finally took a tremendously difficult look at my business and realized it wasn’t working. So I threw myself into courses, books and practiced the fuck out of positive affirmations. I learned about the art of manifestation and started working toward building this little empire.

Once I got over the shock of my results, I studied them (and my behaviors) to figure out how the hell I’d made it work.

The answer? Manifesting like a boss with a clear reason for doing so.

The biggest reason I’m where I am today (MANIFESTING) is available to you for $197, and I’m teaching the course LIVE. (Normally $499 as a DIY.)

That means massive savings for you alongside a new way of approaching sweet victory. Plus, more than 50 pages of instructional content and FOUR (4!) live calls with me. Yeah, go ahead, pick my brain.

Want to learn more?

Mindset and manifesting power made me the coach I am today and changed the lives of my clients forever.

This? It’s your chance to have the same results.

What are you waiting for? Yet another personal invitation or sign from the Universe?

Class starts Dec. 1st.

Get on it.

Welcome to the annual RTD giveaway. This year? $50K!

October is almost half over, but I’m not one to let a single day go by without celebrating my favorite month of the year: with gobs of Halloween décor and a birthday giveaway fantastic enough to have you screaming, “Hell yes, Beck,” in the new Minnetonka boots you just bought yourself (you fashion connoisseur, you).

You can have your spice lattes, pie candles and colored sweaters.

I’ll turn that pumpkin into a stage coach and deliver it to your doorstep, babes.

Ready to be a belle of the business world?

Welcome to the 43rd edition of my birthday celebration, where I’m giving away more than $50,000 of my own time, money and energy to get you earning much more than that.

Each year the generosity fairy reminds me that giving rocks way harder than taking (though presents are not discouraged). Today, the day I demanded entrance into a world (in order to give it hell), I’m giving away the sweet, money-making magic I’ve watched countless entrepreneurs use to build the lives of their dreams.

Not only that, the number 43 represents the principle of deliverance or change. It felt right to help others change their lives while mine reached this symbolic number.

I’ll cut to the chase:

If you’ve been dying to work with me or eyeing one of my programs, I’m buying them for you.

The woman giveth.

But you must taketh the bait.

No more, “I can’t,” or “I’m scared,” or “It’ll never work for me.” Stop doubting your power, ladies, it’s time to own it.

The Freebies:

Money Mindset Mastermind: 12 lucky ladies will walk away with the course designed to get you earning the money you deserve (so you can stop questioning if you can actually charge what you think you’re worth).

Manifest Now: Another 12 entrepreneurs will be handed this course, proven to take you from manifestation basics to mind-altering, life-changing shit on how you manifest anything on your wish list.

45-Min Jam Sessions: Me, you, one phone line and a Kardashian-sized ass-load of results. We’ll tackle what’s holding YOU up, I’ll revamp your copy and you’ll hang up with a list of actionable items to immediately transform your business. I’m giving away 15 of these.

Clarity, Clients, and Cash: 3 lucky ladies will earn admission into my 90-day group course, with 12 modules chock-full of content on mindset, manifestation, building your brand, writing your copy and creating courses, VIP days, and price points that’ll change your business forever. Plus, admittance into the best damn group on Facebook (we’re all high vibes and solidarity).

90 Days of 1:1 Coaching with Me: ONE grand prize winner (chosen at random) will be given my 90-day 1:1 coaching package worth $35,000. Think of it like an end-to-end business boot camp… Except all the work is done for you. Want to see the results? Check out what others are saying about working with me.

The Rules:

If you want in, you must be a member of my Inner Circle and you must like my professional page, Rebecca T. Dickson.

Share the post I’ve pinned to the top of my professional page and explain why you’re ready to change your life forever (just in the post, you don’t even have to email or vlog or send a carrier pigeon this time).

Consider this one, simple post your way of telling the Universe you’re ready for the change, prepared for any challenge and open to receiving the best.

What are you waiting for, good-looking?

The competition starts today and winners will be announced on Friday, October 16, 2015 inside the Inner Circle.