5 Things Every Woman in Business Wants for Christmas

Women entrepreneurs are badasses. We have singular focus. We know what we want. We spend (almost) every waking moment plotting to get it, too.

This can make it difficult for people to buy us gifts. After all, we just go get whatever we want.

Hence my handy gift guide for Christmas.

What women entrepreneurs REALLY want

  • How about a leather journal? You can’t have that one because I already bought it. We love 5128josephleather and moleskin. I recommend Etsy because most items are handmade and one of a kind.
  • Pens. We never have enough. And we need them for the leather journals. We especially love them with witty phrases – and swearing. (Or maybe that’s just me.)
  • Homemade vouchers or coupons for distraction-free work time. One of the best gifts I ever received from my little darlings was a book of coupons for hours – plural – to do what I love undisturbed. I used every last one long before the year was up.
  • A thesaurus with a knife through it, so when she goes to grab it to find that “perfect” word for sale copy or social media posts, she will remember that the perfect word is in her head and nowhere else.
  • Anything with phrases that remind her she’s capable, strong, supported and WILL make it.

That’s it. Useful, direct, kinda sexy. Now go finish your shopping.

My simplest advice for business success

I lost count of the number of emails I receive each day asking how to make money as a coach.

The answer is surprisingly simple.

If you want to make money as a coach… How about you don’t suck?

How about you stop worrying about how to make money and start focusing on how to be fucking good at what you do?

Share something people give a shit about.

Change lives with your wisdom.

Help people.

Share the thing that sets you on fire. Because your people will feel the burn, too.

Be a better entrepreneur and coach by showing your passion.

Forget about finding the package or offer that will magically sell millions. If you don’t believe in it, if you don’t like it, no one else will either.

If you’re helping people with the stuff that used to wake you up at night, leave you sweaty and short of breath, the power of what you learned will come through. The same thing happens when you sell what you hate. People see it.

And if you don’t believe in what you’re selling, why would anyone else?

Which brings me to my second point.

Be yourself.

You might be able to hide how you feel for a little while. You may even be able to act like someone else for a short time. But people can tell when you’re not genuine. And it never lasts.

One of the easiest ways to be successful is to be YOU.

Don’t waste your time and energy faking it. And it takes an enormous amount of energy to pretend to be someone you’re not. Plus, it’s a disservice to your people. It prevents you from showing you know you’re stuff.

No one can be the coach you are.

So don’t be stingy. Show us who you are and what you have to say, as only you can.

Be brave.

Accept that everyone WON’T love you. And know that’s perfectly okay.

Be true to yourself, to your voice, and you will succeed.

Hiding facts, altering the way you might normally say something, leaving out details of who you are because you find them embarrassing – all of that cheats people from connecting with you in a powerful way. And they know when you’re holding back. (Just like you’re mom knew when you were lying.)

Example: Plenty of people get upset about my swearing, especially my mother. For a while, I tried to clean up my language. I really did.

The whole time, I felt stifled and suffocated. More importantly, my work noticeably suffered.

I tried to change an aspect of who I am – my potty mouth – so my work would be more palatable to more people.

What I learned instead was editing a part of my voice meant altering all of it.

Changing one aspect of how I showed up slowly permeated the rest of my voice. I became neutral, gray, fucking boring. Not me.

You want money for your work? Earn it.

Being successful in this business is not easy. It’s scary as fuck to put yourself on display, present your innermost thoughts with conviction and let go of what everyone else thinks.

But it’s the only way to do it.


Want to learn how to say fuck it, follow your gut and be YOU? Join the 30-Day Gut Check.

We start Nov. 14th.

I’m going to teach you how to:
– listen to your gut every time, ALL THE TIME
– filter out every other opinion in your life
– do it or delegate it

This is about YOU and your business.
What lights you up.
What feels amazing.
What keeps you excited day after day.

Because that is what makes you money.

Passion means your clients reap the greatest benefit – because when you’re passionate, you naturally over-deliver.

So how do you get there?
– put yourself first in life and business
– get – and stay – in the driver’s seat
– act like the fucking expert, the authority, THE BOSS YOU’RE CRAVING TO BE

It doesn’t happen by accident.

Do you want it some day? Or do you want to create it NOW?

Get your ass inside the 30-Day Gut Check and let’s start this shit up.

We’re retiring the bullshit that says you can’t and learning how to say YES to you.

YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. So let’s do it.

And at just $197, it’s a steal.
