Use Your Voice

Know what the difference between launching and announcing is?

Your voice.

Announcing is a Facebook or Instagram post here and there, maybe even adding a Reel or Story. It’s mentioning your offers in passing.

Launching is committing to your truth, no holds barred, using your voice everywhere you can… Because you believe what you have can actually make real change for people and the world.

Most women mention or announce. Precious few launch.

Because most women have lost contact with their true selves, the deeper core of their being, their true voice.

You may have forgotten who you really are.

That happens when you value other people’s opinions more than your own. 

It also happens when you think that in order to succeed you have to fit a mold — or be anything or anyone other than YOU.

Both ideas are bullshit. They destroy businesses. But that’s what many of us are taught as little girls.

We live complex, stressful and often VERY disconnected lives. 

  • We are bombarded by media that convinces us that buying stuff will make us happy, beautiful, successful, prestigious, even more lovable.
  • We are in an industry where so-called successes hold the same standard: Get the car, the clothes, the jet-set life, work on the beach and be beautiful all the time.
  • We are over-exposed to the lie that is perfection. 

It can make us miserable if we see that as the ideal — while our own lives don’t look anything like that. 

It promotes the idea that it’s not okay to be who we are (because we aren’t like the people we idolize).

And it becomes a never-ending game of comparison, where the finish line is continually moved just out of reach.

The good news? You don’t have to play along, dip into that trance and participate in what ultimately becomes your own destruction.

You can choose to actively pursue YOURSELF, which absolutely, unequivocally leads to success.

Meaning: You can have kids, and dirty diapers and college tuition bills, and a messy house and not feel like brushing your hair — and be wildly successful and happy.

In fact, being comfortable in your own skin, feeling no need to dress up, dress down, buy the stuff, speak a certain way, SAY ALL THE RIGHT THINGS, be on all the time, or anything else IS true success and freedom. 

The happiest and most successful people don’t care about other people accepting them, loving them, buying from them. 

Because they accept themselves. 

And they understand that as long as they are true to themselves and their voice, they can’t fail. The clients always show up.

I’ve said this multiple times before: The truth is, it’s very hard to play a role and build a business. It’s pretty exhausting. 

Because you’re always focused on what you think you need to say or do, instead of what comes naturally to you. 

This is where you get stuck — thinking you don’t know what’s right or how to do it. 

That comes from trying to figure out what you think other people want to hear. That’s manipulation. 

It’s much easier – and far more profitable – to just be yourself, check in with who you are and what you know the truth of your expertise is, and share that.

Supporting women with all of the above is my life’s work. If you need guidance from a someone who’s been successful in this industry for almost two decades, I invite you to reach out.

TODAY – July 8, 2024 – is also the last day to join Summer School, where we will work on this exact dilemma. Join us!

It’s scary to change. But nothing is more scary than staying unhappy where you are. 


Dear Diary,

Today, I did a 90-minute live training for a group I mostly don’t know. I despise video, but apparently they liked it.

Then I watched my friend and colleague, Jenna Faith, blow up the internet with her new series about the coaching industry. Go give her a follow on FB for more. It’s worth it. She’s so fucking inspiring. The world needs more people like her helping others.

I am now comfortably back in my pajamas, behind the keyboard – my most favorite place.

Things I learned today:

  • It doesn’t matter how many times you share the correct link, at the correct time, with the correct description, someone (or several people) will not be able to find it.
  • They will also try to contact you about those issues while you are actively live and teaching, and therefore unable to assist or even see their requests.
  • I LOVE my job. I love supporting women and pushing them further than they believed possible. The look on their faces when they actually do the damn thing is priceless. It is a gift of experience they will have forever.
  • If you ask for help from people who you have helped in the past, and the request is ignored or declined, they are not your people.
  •  The coaching industry may have snake oil salesmen, but there are leagues and leagues of us in integrity who DO give a shit and we are banding together like never before.
  • There are too many individuals and not enough communities.
  • We crave safe spaces, but few are brave enough or energized to create them.
  • Get off your high horse, share your vulnerability and you win. Simple.

I am 51 years old. Read: even less tolerant of bullshit than ever before, and acutely aware of my limited time on this planet. I lack the patience for wannabes, maybes and kindas.

From the bottom of my heart: Be all in when you ask for my help. Or go away.