6 Money Mindset Changes You Need to Make Now

When it comes to making money, it’s more about what’s in your head. To be clear, you cannot sit on your ass and manifest $1M. But you can be doing all the right things and still not make the cash because of a belief. I see it all the time.

So what can you do to straighten it out?

Change your thinking. It’s that simple and that hard.

Here are six ways to tweak your money mindset right now.

1. I can be filthy rich

If you start from a point of self-defeat, what do you think you will get?

I’ll never pay it off.

Even if I do, I’ll just rack it up again.

This is impossible.

I’m a failure.

Some people think they’re unworthy of financial success.

Other people think it’s too hard to get there, so they don’t try.

Solution? Be positive, motherfuckers.

Don’t whine, complain or talk badly about your finances.

Focus on the negative and your brain helps you find more negativity.

Want the good shit? Focus on that instead. Your brain will also be more than happy to help you find more reasons to be positive.

2. Good things come to those who get off their ass

A positive attitude is like a lit match. Taking action is the gasoline. You need both, but it’s the fuel that gets shit GOING.

“Good things are happening for me and I am ready for the next step.”

What can you do right now, today, to move toward your goals? Create new packages? Design new social media campaigns? Interact with clients in a forum? Write a value-packed newsletter?

Keep going forward. You cannot fail unless you give up.

3. The Universe has MORE than enough to go around

Some people have this messed up idea that if they are doing well, others are suffering. As though the world doesn’t have enough for everyone? I don’t get it. You doing well doesn’t take anything away from someone else.

Forget for a moment that the U.S. mint prints money every single day. Consider the Law of Attraction: A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.

Want to be broke? Keep thinking about not having money. Keep focusing on debt. Keep worrying about not having enough.

Want to be rich? Think about how much you HAVE. Focus on what IS available. This is what they mean when they say, “Gratitude changes everything.”

Which leads nicely into…

4. Be grateful

Why would the Big U give you anything if you don’t:

1 – Appreciate what you already have?

2 – Manage it?

Nothing will make you feel like more of a success than simply being grateful. Every night for years, I wrote 100 things I was thankful for. Every. Night.

I reminded myself of everything I was blessed with, created space to receive more and showed the Universe I was thankful.

When you need something, look inside.

You are enough. You do enough. You have enough.

5. Act like the rich bitch you are

What would you do today if you knew all your money problems were solved?

How would you respond to client inquiries? Would you be desperate and clingy, practically begging for their business? Or would you lean back and simply tell them what you do, for what price and when?

In business, the difference between people who have money and those who don’t is their ability to relax.

Act like you’re the best in the world at what you do. It changes everything.

6. Be curious

Want to know more about investing? Stocks? Real estate?

Dig deep. Knowledge will never hurt you. But it’s not enough by itself.

Change your mindset about money and the rest will follow.

P.S. Right now, there’s a kickass bundle sale going on with my top 3 bestselling courses on mindset and business-building for women. Go here to check it out.

But don’t wait. The deal is gone on 8/3/22 Midnight ET.

Want to WORK WITH ME?  Get in touch.  Let’s see what type of magic we can make.

Essential Oils For The Full Moon

The next Full Moon will be Oct. 1 – and oh, HELL YES, I am pumped.

This will be the first of two full moons for October. The second arrives on Halloween, Oct. 31, which also makes it a Blue Moon.

This is an energetic time in the lunar calendar, to put it mildly.

Both autumn and full moons represent a beautiful opportunity to go deep within ourselves and do some housekeeping. Maybe some mindset work you’ve been putting off… A nagging thing (block, limiting belief, behavior pattern) you know is not serving you?

Full moons are all about cleaning and clearing energies, beliefs, behaviors, relationships, jobs and more. Anything in the way of our expansion needs to go. And under a full moon is a great time to let go. It is also a super powerful time to allow in your deepest manifestations.

Essential oils can have a powerful healing effect, too, which is even more amplified in energetic times like a full moon.

Using them in your full moon ritual, your daily meditation or even your everyday home is a game-changer.

Essential oils for a full a moon

NOTE: Below is meant to be guidance ONLY, especially if you’re new to oils or dabbling with them. If there are oils you enjoy that are not on this list, USE THEM.


Lemongrass is known for its powerful energetic cleansing ability. It encourages us to let go of things we no longer need, perfect for the energy of the full moon. It invites us to easily let go of old, limiting beliefs, toxic energies and general negativity that can hold us back.

Lemongrass is an uplifting citrus oil, which makes it ideal for helping us tune into what energies no longer match our high vibes. It helps clear away negative energy from our third eye chakra too. As you let go of stagnant energy, you can begin to see situations with greater clarity and energy starts to flow more freely.

How to Use Lemongrass:

  • Add a few drops to your diffuser or a drop to the palm of your hands, rub together and inhale.
    Add a diluted drop (with a carrier oil like extra virgin olive oil) to your third eye or the bottoms of your feet. If there is a part of your body where you feel energy is stuck, add a drop there as well.
  • Lemongrass can also clear energy around your house. Add a few drops to water and spritz any room to clear the air.


Considered food for the gods, Frankincense is used for purification, meditation, protection, and spiritual understanding. It invites us to let go of lower vibes and allow room for more positive energy. It helps create new perspectives based on light and truth. It has the ability to assist in pulling the barriers from the mind and the walls from the heart.

Frankincense is also known for enhancing practices of prayer and meditation, a great addition to your Full Moon ritual. This oil opens the spiritual channels and allows you to connect with yourself and with source.

How to Use Frankincense

  • Inhale from the bottle or add a few drops to a diffuser.
  • Apply 1-3 diluted drops to the crown of the head, the forehead and behind the ears.
  • Like Lemongrass, you can add a few drops to a spray bottle and mist around the home.


Thyme is one of the most powerful cleansing oils for the emotional body and helps to bring to the surface trapped feelings and emotions. It reaches deep into the body, the soul, searching for unresolved and stuck energy. Once it removes blocks, Thyme leaves the heart wide open to both give and receive love and offer forgiveness.

How to Use Thyme

  • Apply a few diluted drops to the chest, over the sacral chakra (lower stomach), and/or to the bottom of the feet. Note: Thyme can be irritating to the skin. Use sparingly and do a skin test first.
  • In a diffuser.


Ancestral healing is always a theme with my clients. White Fir helps to address patterns, traditions and behaviors that are passed down through our lineage. Unearthing negative ancestral patterns and blocks allows us to deal with them and put them to rest. By adding a simple mantra like “It ends with me” into your mediation while envisioning a room full of your family can be a very powerful healing meditation.

How to Use White Fir

  • Add a drop on the palm of your hand, rub together and breathe in as you meditate.
  • Apply 3-5 diluted drops to your chest or the bottom of your feet.


Cypress is a powerful oil that creates energetic and emotional flow. Stagnant energies start to MOVE.

Cypress teaches the soul how to let go of the past and move with the flow of life. It is about allowing versus resisting. If you have a hard time letting go of control, this is the oil for you. It encourages us to let go of fear and put worries aside.

How to Use Cypress

  • Add a few drops to your diffuser.
  • Trace a few diluted drops along the spin or the bottom of your feet.

Almost all of these oils are used inside Witchy Women Candles and Oils. So if you’re not a fan of the oils by themselves (they can be too strong for many), check out our products. We layer scents and healing properties of multiple herbs and oils to create a one-of-a-kind product that supports your magical journey. All ingredients are listed on each product.