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Writing and marketing. What YOU want.
Last week, I asked the kids on Facebook what they are burning to know about this thing we call writing. Questions came up about marketing and promoting, the pitfalls of a first-time author, self-publishing, building a fan base, and the time it takes to see substantial web traffic for your blog or website. Not one […]
A writer’s routine means sweet f*ck-all
I know writers who get up two hours early every day to get shit done before the world interferes. I know writers who shut off their phones and Facebook for their scheduled midday “writing time.” I know writers who have daily schedules, minutely defining when and how long they work on chapter XYZ, polish a […]
When you push past the bullshit
Confused, overwhelmed, exhausted. Frustrated, resentful, burned out. Unsure, hesitant, sacred shitless… blocked. Feelings we experience when we step up and go for it. Yes, everyone. No, it’s not permanent. Hustle through it. Or cry, whine, beg and pray through it. Either way, it will pass. And once it does, you’ll find confidence, inspiration, excitement, and […]
We don’t need help in the Oh-My-God-I-Suck Department
In fifth grade, I attended the all-girls, private Catholic school I’d been in since kindergarten, with kids who had last names like Demoulas and Sterling (look them up). Sister Catherine, our esteemed leader, hated us all. But she disliked me less – or appeared to anyway – because I grasped English. I could diagram the […]
He said. She said. And they all lived happily ever after.
And at the beginning, the writer had dialogue, and it was awesome. It sucked me in like nothing I’ve read in ages. But as much as I loved the writing and banter, by the fifth or sixth response from character number one to character number two, I wanted to bleach my eyeballs. “He would write […]
Use what you have
SOMETIMES Which makes your head feel like But eventually What are you waiting for?
5 habits of a great writer
I am not saying that every person who does these things will become an overnight bestselling sensation. We do not wave magic wands. This is not Cinderella. I’m saying if you show me a great writer, I’ll show you a person who routinely does these five things. 1. Read Drown in the classics – anything […]
No one can write the story like you
So I wrote this post about fear last week, and my inbox sort of blew up. For days, notes arrived with thanks for the inspiration, for getting real. And it got me thinking. We all experience moments of terror and confusion. This seems to ring particularly true with writing. So what gives? Something about seeing […]