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How much raunch to put in sex scenes :: Confessions of A Dirty Blonde
I like it here. I have a great view and I can put Kahlua in my coffee before heading into the office, so that’s badass. For those of you who missed the memo, I just left my career as a high school English teacher – so I could be here with you. And after my […]
How Science Can Help You Become a Better Writer
If you haven’t heard about brain plasticity yet, allow me to blow your mind: Researchers discovered new details about the development and depth of pathways inside our brains. They are not static. Gone are the days of thinking your brain grows until you’re thirty, and then you’re screwed. It’s becoming clearer we are able to […]
Teaching Writing Formulas is GARBAGE :: Confessions of a Dirty Blonde
In middle school, we’re told our paragraphs must be three sentences long. In high school, we’re told five sentences will suffice, but only if you use a hook, a lead in, something of substance, a lead out and conclusion. It’s systematic. Then as upperclassmen, we’re allowed to lengthen our paragraphs, to add three more sentences […]
The best writing is yours
Since I started asking people to email me in The Guide, I’ve received hundreds of responses from writers all over the world – all sharing the same sentiment. “How do I make people love my work?” “How do I market my book so people will read it?” “I have no clue how to connect with […]
If you want different results, DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY
So last fall, I introduced you to a fellow blogger I admire, not the least because he’s a killer writer. He also happens to know what reporters and agents want (which is helpful when you have a book to launch). Yeah, Guy Bergstrom. He guest posts here from time to time. But now, he’s hanging […]
How weird news teaches us great storytelling
by Guy Bergstrom Every day, real stories are in the morning newspaper that make you snort coffee out your nose or choke on a blueberry muffin. Note: This is why journalists call such pieces “muffin chokers.” Yet the daily weirdness is more than funny. If you dissect these stories, you can learn deep storytelling lessons […]
Break the Writing Rules :: Confessions of a Dirty Blonde
Welcome to the inaugural issue of Confessions of a Dirty Blonde, wherein we meet. I’ll be in your inbox twice a month from here forward. Why? To deliver the goods, naturally. And for you to understand me and my language, we need a dinner date. But only if you want style, writing and editing tips. […]
9 things you can do now to stop f*cking up your business
A guest post by Desiree Wolfe And yeah, if you are out to make money with your skills, it is a business. This includes writing. 1. Thirty minutes is not a long time. Marathon marketing is exhausting and I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t fucking work. You’ll never want to do it and you […]