Screwing up makes you better

You can think about something for days on end. That new idea can be mulled over, viewed from different angles and perspectives ad infinitum.

None of that will help you do it better.

Whether it’s showing up online, creating a new offering, coaching for the first time or tying your damn shoes, we must do the thing – experience it – in order to improve.

Many women entrepreneurs think and think and think. Mistakenly believing it will help them execute. It’s safe (free of judgement of others) in your head. You can practice endlessly, spin your thoughts, and no one is the wiser.

The problem? Science has actually proven that it’s not until you have the guts to try something and practice over and over that you actually improve.

Doing the thing, making a mess, screwing up royally? That’s where the power is.

Ergo, your willingness to fuck up makes you better.

Your willingness to be brave? Catapults you.

When I started writing, I was in high school, about 15 years old. And I sucked. Sure, I had moments of genius, fragments to hang achievements on. But they were nothing, comparatively speaking, to what I produced as a reporter and copy writer.

When I began my career as a journalist and editor? I was okay. Better than in high school, but not the writer I am now. And every day that I continue to write, experiment, play with words, make a mess, also makes me better.

My willingness to fail has been my road to success.

When you care more about improving yourself than what other people might think, you will succeed. It’s inevitable.

When you do it, instead of thinking about it, you exponentially speed up your learning curve and put yourself on the path to achievement.

In The Talent Code, author Daniel Coyle talks to the chair of psychology at UCLA about this very thing. Robert Bjork says one real attempt at doing something – allowing yourself to try and fail – is more useful than several hundred observations.

“We think of effortless performance as desirable, but it’s really a terrible way to learn,” he said. “Things that appear to be obstacles turn out to be desirable in the long haul.”

Perfection is for losers.

I talk a lot about fear and how it keeps us small.

After all, if you don’t try, you won’t fail and no one will judge you for your mistakes.

It also means you stay where you are. And if that’s not where you want to be, the answer is doing something else.

I believe if we don’t have what we want, we’re holding it away from ourselves. More often than not, it’s because our subconscious is protecting us. Sounds crazy, right? Our brain battling us when it comes to our goals and dreams?

But think about it.

You want money and don’t have it. You run an online business but don’t show up to let people know you have offerings to sell. The two are clearly connected. (Ninety-nine percent of the women I work with do this.)

Ask yourself what you’re afraid of. Why is showing up online so scary? People might judge you, not agree or like what you have to say, ridicule you, complain that you post too much, and on and on.

So what?

Maybe they will and maybe they won’t.

The point is thinking about showing up online won’t make you better at posting or more comfortable with it. But doing it will.

Be willing to stop, stumble and figure it out. A microsecond of struggle makes a lifetime of difference.

In The Talent Code, Coyle calls it practicing deeper.

I call it fucking up to make money.

Your mistakes make you smarter.

So what are you thinking about (instead of doing) right now?

What can you screw up today to further your goals?

My challenge to you is to go make a mess in the name of progress.

Forget everyone and everything else. Create single-minded focus on your goal and then DO SOMETHING to get it.

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P.S. Project YES, my 12-week program on how to stop thinking about pleasing others, worrying about their judgement and criticism, and instead step into knowing you are more than enough, is starting soon.

If you’re hiding online, reluctant to own your power, your mastery and charge what you are worth…

If you’re questioning your self-worth and the value you bring to the table…

If you have no idea where to even begin with tackling your fear…

This is for you. Check it out HERE.

“I want to be happier. I just don’t know how.”

Sound familiar?

We live complex, stressful and often VERY disconnected lives. We are bombarded by media that convinces us that buying stuff will make us happy, beautiful, successful, prestigious, even more lovable.

Women in particular are over-exposed to perfection. And it makes us miserable.

It’s a never-ending game of comparison where the finish line is continually moved just out of reach.

The good news? You don’t have to play along, dip into that trance and participate in what ultimately becomes your own destruction.

You can choose to actively pursue happiness, which absolutely, unequivocally leads to success.

Do you want to talk about being high vibe, or do you want to BE high vibe?

Happy people are more successful, earn more money, have closer relationships, more peace. We ALL want those things.

Are you ready to make the change and feel amazing too?

First, there is something to be said about how we live in a world where happiness is something we have to think about, or be mindful of or set an intention for.

One of my biggest questions was why do we have to think about it or pursue happiness? Shouldn’t we just BE happy?

Maybe. But we aren’t.

And, at the same time, we’re pretty lucky.

While previous generations focused on survival – The Great Depression, several world wars, famine, disease – we have time to look at what will lead us to fulfillment and joy. We have space and time to decide.

We’ve been given an amazing opportunity to become better humans. Smarter, kinder, happier. And every time we dip into that, we create a ripple effect to help humanity as a whole.

THAT is something I can get behind. You?

We can evaluate how our minds work to motivate and compel us. We get to actually look at what makes us HAPPY and then go after it.

Incredible, isn’t it?

We all want to be happy. Many – if not most – of us just don’t know how.

So I’ve got something for you.

It’s called the 5-Day Effortless Success Challenge and it starts Jan. 22.

Inside, I’m going to show you the simple steps psychologists use to unlock your happiness, dive into your purpose and be a magnet for success.

Happy people have more confidence, earn more money and do what they love.

You don’t want to miss this.

Join us and go DEEP during our FREE 5-Day Effortless Success Challenge.

So much love,