Tarot reading
Left – Queen of Wands – The Queen of Wands sits on a throne decorated with lions facing opposing directions, a symbol of fire and strength. In her left hand, on her crown and behind her are sunflowers, symbolizing life, fertility, joy and satisfaction. Her right hand holds a wand with one small sprout springing to life. A black cat sits at her feet, a sign that while this Queen is bold and outgoing she is also in touch with her shadow self – the darker, lesser-known side of her being.
The Queen of Wands reminds you that you are upbeat, courageous, and determined. You are here to see through your creative visions and life purpose, even in the face of adversity and challenge. Highly self-actualized and self-aware, you know how to best channel your strengths and weaknesses to achieve your goals. You are optimistic and full of ideas to share with others. You know what you want and how to get it, and are masterful at engaging with others to achieve your goals. Stay fiercely determined and focused on your goals while being friendly and optimistic with those around you.
The Queen of Wands asks you to be bold in your undertakings and actions. Don’t be afraid to own your real power and put it out into the world. You have so much to offer – so shine your light bright! Believe in yourself and what you stand for, and don’t be afraid to speak up and be heard. No one will silence you.
Lastly, the Queen of Wands encourages you to get to know your shadow self, the lesser-known and sometimes darker side of who you really are. This doesn’t necessarily need to be a negative aspect of yourself, but could be something that most people don’t know about you yet. While you may want to protect this part of yourself, the Queen of Wands encourages you to express this side more openly with others – don’t be afraid to show your shadow now and then. It will enable you to connect with others on a deeper level.
Center – 10 of Swords – The Ten of Swords marks a painful yet inevitable ending. It is as if this ending has come out of the blue and rocked your world. You could have never expected it, but now it has happened.
You will achieve the most with peace of mind and presence of mind.
The Ten of Swords is about letting go. You no longer resist change but allow it to happen, even if it causes initial pain and hurt to you. You recognize there must be a change to facilitate renewal, and you allow it to occur rather than fighting it.
The good news is that the Ten of Swords marks the final ordeal – no more pain will come to you from that source.
The pain and hurt you have endured have not gone without purpose. Use the positive power within you to learn from your pain and draw wisdom from defeat.
Right – 5 of Swords – In the Five of Swords, a sly-looking man picks up three swords from the ground. He glances over his shoulder at two men who are walking away with their shoulders slouched, conveying a sense of sadness and loss. Two more swords are strewn across the grass, suggesting a battle has been fought and lost. The sky is cloudy and tumultuous, a sign that not all is well even though the fighting has stopped.
What are you doing or thinking that is wasting your time because you’re trying to force things not needed or not yet due?
The Five of Swords can often indicate that you are competing with others (or yourself) on the path to success. You see threats to your own happiness, and so you seek to win at any cost.
Look for common ground or seek forgiveness so you can put this behind you and have peace of mind. That is the singular necessary ingredient to success and pleasure.